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Selected publications by members of the CISM since 2010 are given below. If you are unable to obtain a copy from your library or the Internet, you may contact us by emailing




Inspiration from Nature's body armours: A review of biological and bioinspired composites

A Ghazlan, T Ngo, P Tan, YM Xie, P Tran, M Donough

Composites Part B: Engineering, 205, 108513, 2021

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Human-made corals for marine habitats: Design optimization and additive manufacturing

S Lin, DW Bao, CW Xiong, J Fang, HW An, ZZ Sun, YM Xie, SW Zhou

Advances in Engineering Software, 162-163, 103065, 2021


Additive Fabrication of Large-Scale Customizable Formwork Using Robotic Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Winding

Y Ou, DW Bao, G Zhu, D Luo

3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 0358, 2021


A novel buckling-restrained brace with auxetic perforated core: Experimental and numerical studies

Y Zhang, X Ren, XY Zhang, TT Huang, L Sun, YM Xie

Engineering Structures, Vol. 249, 113223, 2021


Stacked-origami mechanical metamaterial with tailored multistage stiffness

G Wen, G Chen, K Long, X Wang, J Liu, YM Xie

Materials and Design, Vol. 212, 110203, 2021


Effects of Longitudinal and Transverse Curvatures on Optimal Design of Shell Footbridge

S Liu, B Huang, YM Xie

Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp 27-36, 2021


From ruled surfaces to elastica-ruled surfaces: New possibilities for creating architectural forms

TU Lee, YM Xie

Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures

Vol 62, No. 4, pp 271-281, 2021

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Creating novel furniture through topology optimization and advanced manufacturing

J Ma, Z Li, ZL Zhao, YM Xie

Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol 27, 1749-1758, 2021


A novel combined auxetic tubular structure with enhanced tunable stiffness

XY Zhang, X Ren, XY Wang, Y Zhang, YM Xie

Composites Part B: Engineering, 109303, 2021


Based on auxetic foam: A novel type of seismic metamaterial for Lamb waves

TT Huang, X Ren, Y Zeng, Y Zhang, C Luo, XX Zhang, YM Xie

Engineering Structures 246, 112976, 2021

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Topology of leaf veins: Experimental observation and computational morphogenesis

J Ma, ZL Zhao, S Lin, YM Xie

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 123, 104788, 2021


A robust node-shifting method for shape optimization of irregular gridshell structures

H Wang, Z Chen, G Wen, G Ji, YM Xie

Structures 34, 666-677, 2021


Simultaneously optimizing supports and topology in structural design

TU Lee, YM Xie

Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 197, 103633; 2021


Evolutionary Topology Optimization of Spatial Steel-Concrete Structures

Y Li, YM Xie

Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 62 (2) 102-112, 2021


A reaction diffusion-based level set method using body-fitted mesh for structural topology optimization

Z Zhuang, YM Xie, S Zhou

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 381, 113829, 2021


Simple and effective strategies to generate diverse designs for truss structures

Q Cai, L He, Y Xie, R Feng, J Ma

Structures 32, 268-278, 2021


A novel type of tubular structure with auxeticity both in radial direction and wall thickness

XY Zhang, XY Wang, X Ren, YM Xie, Y Wu, YY Zhou, SL Wang, CZ Han

Thin-Walled Structures 163, 107758, 2021

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Design, manufacturing and applications of auxetic tubular structures: A review

C Luo, CZ Han, XY Zhang, XG Zhang, X Ren, YM Xie

Thin-Walled Structures 163, 107682, 2021


Numerical simulation of three-dimensional multicomponent Cahn–Hilliard systems

S Zhou, YM Xie

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 198, 106349, 2021

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Topological Design of Microstructures of Materials Containing Multiple Phases of Distinct Poisson's Ratios

K Long, X Yang, N Saeed, Z Chen, YM Xie

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 126 (1), 293-310, 2021


Optimizing Support Locations in the Roof–Column Structural System

X Meng, TU Lee, Y Xiong, X Huang, YM Xie

Applied Sciences 11 (6), 2775, 2021


Lessons learnt from a national competition on structural optimization and additive manufacturing

Y Xiong, DW Bao, X Yan, T Xu, YM Xie

Current Chinese Science 1, 151-159, 2021

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Performance evaluation of calcium sulfoaluminate as an alternative stabilizer for treatment of weaker subgrades

J Pooni, D Robert, F Giustozzi, S Setunge, YM Xie, J Xia

Transportation Geotechnics 27, 100462, 2021

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A 101-line MATLAB code for topology optimization using binary variables and integer programming

R Picelli, R Sivapuram, YM Xie

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 63, 935–954, 2021

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Controlling the maximum first principal stress in topology optimization

A Chen, K Cai, ZL Zhao, Y Zhou, L Xia, YM Xie

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 63 (1), 327-339, 2021

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